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Your Rights When Faced with Denied Boarding Due to Overbooking

Overbooking, the practice of airlines selling more tickets than available seats, can lead to denied boarding for passengers. While this situation can be frustrating, you have rights as a passenger. At Jet Delayed we specialize in helping air travellers understand their rights and secure compensation when faced with denied boarding due to overbooking.

Understanding Denied Boarding Compensation

Denied boarding compensation is a form of reimbursement provided to passengers who are involuntarily denied boarding due to overbooking. Overbooking occurs when an airline sells more tickets than the available seating capacity on a flight.

What You're Entitled To
  • Compensation: If you're denied boarding due to overbooking, you may be entitled to financial compensation. The amount varies based on the length of the delay caused by the rebooking and the distance of the flight.
  • Rebooking Options: The airline should provide you with alternative travel arrangements to your destination. This could include a different flight or even transportation with another airline.
  • Full Refund: You have the right to a full refund of your ticket if you decide not to travel due to the denied boarding.
Steps to Claim Compensation for Denied Boarding
Submit Your Claim

It only requires a few minutes to complete! This will allow you to determine your initial eligibility and the amount of compensation you might be entitled to. Attach the relevant documents to support your claim's validity.

We Stay Persistent

Our top team of experts will thoroughly assess the eligibility of your claim for a flight delay, which includes reaching out to the airlines, collaborating with relevant authorities, and more.

Get Compensated

Once we receive the compensation, we will transfer the money to you, minus our fee. You don’t pay if we don’t win.

Exercise your air passenger rights and potentially receive up to £520/€600 in compensation in the event of denied boarding.

The compensation amount is determined by the distance of your flight:

  • For flights covering less than 1,500 km, you may be eligible for £220/€250 in compensation.
  • If your flight falls within the range of 1,500 to 3,500 km, you could receive £350/€400 in compensation.
  • Flights within the EU covering over 1,500 km are also eligible for £350/€400 in compensation.
  • For flights outside of the EU that exceed 3,500 km, you could receive £520/€600 in compensation.
Millions of Passengers

Can Claim up to £520/€600 from the airline

We are here to help you!


Up to 1500 km



From 1500 km to 3000 km



From 3000 km to 4500 km

Denied Boarding?


Common Question About

Denied Boarding

My flight was overbooked. What information should I have to support my overbooking claim? arrow-down

To support your overbooking claim, you should have your flight booking confirmation, boarding pass, and any documentation related to the airline’s compensation policies and procedures.

How can I determine if I qualify for flight compensation? arrow-down

You qualify for compensation if your flight experienced disruptions attributable to the airline's fault, and these disruptions align with the conditions outlined in European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004.

Up to £520/€600 can be claimed if your flight was delayed or cancelled.

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